Sunday, April 26, 2015

Daily routine

Every morning and evening I give my face a light rub with a damp washcloth, and use a pea sized amount of coconut oil and two drops of rosehip oil on my face. Last year I decided to give up using any kind of moisturiser or eye cream. I couldn’t justify the use of un-recyclable packaging filling up landfills and who really knows if the ingredients in these products are actually good for you. Even if they are 100% safe, studies have shown that remnants of personal care products are being found in uninhabited areas of the world (such as Antarctica ), carried there by the ocean, and causing harm to the environment and wildlife.

It might seem weird to use oil on ones face, and people have asked me if my skin looks oily or if I break out, the answer to both is no. It looks oily for a few minutes until it absorbs into my skin but that’s about it. Coconut oil is also good for make-up removal.

As a side note, my routine works for me but may not for you. This process has changed over time and it may change again in the future. It's always best when trying a new product to do a patch test on your skin before any application. 

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