Monday, June 15, 2015

Veganize this: Pulled pork

A lot of people (mostly meat eaters) have said to me they don't want eat imitation meat because it's processed (but don't mention all the junk food they eat!). It's understandable to a degree, and it can be expensive too, but as a treat i really like to have some. I never claim to be a vegan because I don't like meat, I do miss it sometimes, but there are a lot more reasons to not eat it. There are also many options to replace meat in dishes besides that, including beans or tofu, which is also healthier.

Anyway, I recently came across this, pulled pork made from green jack fruit. I tried yellow jack fruit once in Malaysia (sweet and deep fried) and it never occurred to me it could be eaten like this. Thankfully there are some pretty smart chefs out there who were able to come up with this amazing recipe which is much more delicious than it sounds.

Healthy and delicious

I basically ran down to the Asian supermarket in London to get the ingredients and made this with my housemate. It was spectacular! Can't wait to make it for some of my omni friends, or my vegetarian mum who can't eat gluten. To veganize this recipe, chose a wrap that has no animal products in it and instead of sour cream try coconut cream. Simple.

If you're wondering 'why bother make this when i could eat real pork?' then perhaps think of this, it's not that animals are just being killed, but they are practically being tortured in the process of factory farming. And it's done only to increase profit margin. Think the idea of an intelligent animal being trapped in a small cage for it's whole life before being slaughtered sounds horrible? Well reducing our consumption of animal products reduces the demand of the product which in turn reduces supply.

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