Sunday, June 21, 2015

What's wrong with eating dog meat?

A lot of people have been getting quite upset about the recent stories of dog meat festivals in China. This sounds horrific, but my question is, what's wrong with eating dog meat?

You might think that sounds cruel but bare with me. I'm a vegetarian who is transitioning to become a full vegan, so I am against eating any meat. But when i see articles like this i think, how is this different to beef, pork or chicken? Because dogs are smart? Because eating beef is normal? Well I hate to break it to you but there is strong evidence that suggests cows, pigs and chickens are all smart too. And the only reason eating these meats is 'normal' is because we decided it to be.

veal  (image © mt-stock)

If you have a problem with eating dog, consider not eating other meats or animal products too because it's not much different. With so many good replacement options these days I wonder how people can claim to love animals but still eat them?

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