Friday, July 10, 2015

What is foie gras?

So I came across some local protesting the other day regarding a restaurant in London which serves foie gras. I had some basic knowledge of the topic but upon reading more into it I was horrified. That the practice of force feeding ducks and geese until their livers expand and kept in small cages is still done in 2015 is outrageous. This is a tame version of the actual cruelty that these animals face. The production of foie gras is banned in the UK, Australia and other countries but not the sale of it and there are groups protesting outside certain restaurants in London. 

ducks and geese are being tortured  to make foie gras  (image © deathbycannon-stock)

What can be done to stop this? This website has a few suggestions, but also, publicly complaining on companies social media websites is another way to get their attention (I have left negative reviews for restaurants on various platforms) .  The most important thing is to not support the industry by buying the product. If you believe the production of foie gras is wrong, let any business in your area how you feel about it in whatever (legal) method you wish.

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