Monday, June 15, 2015

Deodorant, antiperspirant and perfume

For a while I’ve been wondering if antiperspirants and deodorants are safe for me. While there are no conclusive evidence of it being cancer causing there are questions as to whether the safety of the artificial perfumes used are safe or not. I decided that personally I didn’t want to buy anything that contained any artificial fragrance (including perfume) and one day hope to make my own perfumes from flowers.

But for now, what was I going to do about body odour? Luckily for me I don’t sweat a lot, and when I do I don’t think it is very strong.  For a while wasn’t using any and when I told people they had hadn’t noticed at all (my friends and family would definitely let me know if they thought I had bad B.O.). But with summer coming I decided I wanted to put my mind at ease and investigate odour eliminating products that didn’t have artificial fragrances. There are many different options including things made from coconut oil, vinegar and bicarbonate soda but I ended up choosing something called milk of magnesia (aka magnesia hydroxide). 

no added flavors or sugars is best

A commonly found product in pharmacies often used for indigestion that wasn't expensive and had many people claim it to work. While it doesn't stop one sweating, it does indeed stop me from smelling. I went to a show where I was dancing and partying one night and came home with pits that had no smell at all! Amazing!

If you are considering an alternative to deodorant I would highly recommend getting something like milk of magnesia (or magnesia oil) which doesn't have any negative health affects when used topically (please correct me if I am wrong).

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